November 8, 2010

Fall Critique

This kid can blow my mind daily. Just yesterday 10am rolls around and Delilah just starts kickin her little chunky legs. No crying, no whining, no sound at all. She does this one kick two kick one kick two kick. Alternating each leg as she kicks hard and retracts hard. It is one of the funnier quirks she has. So back to yesterday morning... Delilah kick kicking, moma rolling over to see what all the commotion is about, and being greeted by two big, bright morning eyes. Straight from the stars. My own little taste of divinity each and every moment if I allow it. I assume most parents wonder, "What did I do to deserve this happiness?"
She's all smiles. She does this inward laugh. And blinks her eyes hard, then stares at me, waiting for my laugh. Love hits hard.

I've been so gentle with this little creature. Making sure to never scare her or accidentally pinch her. She seems to be getting big enough now that I feel comfortable giving her a little air time. Her precious little expressions of sheer horror then immediate smiles as my hands catch her weight. I'm teaching her about gravity. Teaching her about her own weight.
Everybody comments on her gentle nature. Her extreme awareness and soft light. And old soul, so they say. Isn't it bizarre how the child shows the same tendencies of character as her parents? I think creation gave Delilah great blessings when he showed her how to be more like her Pa. Calm & collected. Self sufficient. Perhaps creation showed her how to harness my passion for things in a more guided manner. I can only hope.
She loves to press cheeks. "Hmmm", she wonders. "These big, soft cushions under my eyes are beautiful. I love to squish cushions with Moma."

Other three month milestones....
When Moma holds me up I can walk one foot then the other.
I'm learning to not fall forward when I sit.
I'm learning the inside of my mouth. Mama massages my gums, while I drool.
I'm laughing at everyone who looks at me with affection.
I still love my swing, my vibrator chair, and my mobile light shows. Sometimes Moma has to steal me from my toys because she gets jealous.
I hardly ever cry. But when I do, its like a sing song. Beautiful & soft & charming.
I'm now eleven pounds big. I'm small, but heavy!

Good news from the South... Delilah & I should be meeting Pa in Sante Fe for the Thanksgiving holiday. Crossing our fingers! Adventure sounds real nice right about now.

1 comment:

  1. Got this in an e-mail and loved it so I thought I'd share it.... (thank you Rose Mary!)

    Just read your blog – : ))) …One thing I would mention is instead of releasing her when teaching gravity, you might swing her up and hold onto her, at first. Let her get used to it for awhile, not letting her feel uncertainty. Then when you do release it won’t be scary. Releasing can come in tiny increments – and before she is 2 you’ll be tossing her ten feet in the air, and she’ll remember how to fly…
